E Pluribus Unum?

Despite of centuries trying to promote egalitarianism and equality in America, it seems as if nothing has changed! We are still on square one notwithstanding the proclamation of Democracy and egalitarianism in the foundation of the United States of America! Dr. David Azerrad, of Heritage Foundation says on the subject of, “Independence and The American Creed” that “Natural human equality is the first axiom of the American creed. The founders, of course, recognized that human beings are different and unequal in more ways than anybody could count. But for political purposes, all men and women–regardless of race, religion, sex, or whatever the oppressed category du jour might be–are born equally free and independent and therefore may not be ruled without their consent.”-(https://www.heritage.org/political-process/commentary/the-declaration-independence-and-the-american-creed)

The society is still hierarchical and marginalizing of women, minorities and children (except white males) is still rampant and continues! The only thing that has kept inequality and imbalance covert is the fear of law and public censure of blatant discrimination. However, lately, it has been out front and center in the public debate. The attitudes toward political correctness have changed among many, and people are taking license with behaviors that would horrify the founding fathers.

Ever since the 2016 election primaries were held, we have been inundated with words like Misogyny, Androgyny, Supremacy, Minority, Majority and Entitlement; all designed to elicit visceral reactions from us to favor one candidate versus the other. Never did we encounter such strong feelings and engagement in the vicious battle that takes us back to the times when major religions defined the societal order that assigned places to genders and social status. These were based on their socioeconomic and societal importance in perpetuating the human society. The accident of the birth, and not the talent or skills, determined the hierarchies and corresponding entitlements and privileges.

Divide and Conquer

The 2016 election ended up being more than just between two political parties; the Democrats and the Republicans. It became a contest between various factions under these two parties, all trying to push their agenda. It was hijacked by polarization; male versus female, the rich versus the poor, the whites versus people of color, evangelical vs. other religions and ‘real” Americans versus the immigrants. Never before the contrasts were so sharply in the limelight, as in that election.

Despite the political rhetoric, a faith in Americans to make rational choices led us to think that wisdom would prevail and the most qualified experienced candidate would win. Unfortunately though, the politics became more about gender than about political ideology! Surprisingly, the so-called Alpha male though totally inexperienced in politics, won; not fairly and squarely but by populating disinformation and doubts in the minds of the voters and creating mistrust of opposition candidates and even those within his own party. We now know that Russia manipulated and meddled in our elections in favor of their preferred candidate because it wants to shake our political systems which favors Democracy.

Doubts were also raised among the general voters about established institutions and societal order, reminiscent of the times following soon after Christ’s death, when a leadership vacuum created a need for finding the successor. Peter, the jealous Apostle spread rumors to marginalize Mary by casting doubts about the veracity of Mary’s eyewitness account of Christ’s resurrection and his message to her asking her to carry on with his work. (http://www.newsweek.com/inconvenient-woman-110341-) When we review the recent events leading up to and beyond the election, it seems uncannily resembling those times!

Law of Nature versus Egalitarianism

Which leads to the big question, is Equality ever possible given that Nature itself has distributed attributes and talents to different species in unequal proportions? Given this inherent inequality, is the idea of an egalitarian society but a pipe dream?

is Equality ever possible given that Nature has distributed attributes and talents to different species in unequal proportions?

The response depends on one’s worldview, which leads to two very different mindsets. One seeing competition as the only way to survive and thrive and the other viewing collaboration and interdependence as the way to handle the issue of diversity in America.

The Competitive Mindset

If we think that we are all part of Nature’s animal kingdom and have evolved from an animalistic life-form then the conclusion could be that Nature favors and preserve the strongest and perishes the weak ones. It makes a stark reality of ‘Eat or be eaten’. Essentially, this mode of thinking leads to perception of society as a jungle, where we have territories, and properties to be protected from other life forms, who wish to harm us. In this mindset, the Nature is not a vast reserve of resources, abundant and regenerative and infinite. In this world view, life is finite, time is linear, and resources are, limited. And, anyone that looks, thinks or acts differently than us is a predator, out to get us, and spoil our equilibrium! In such a belief system, the survival of the fittest can be accomplished by competition only.

Hierarchy is the normal state of being, stratification is natural and the class system is a rational outcome. The race and looks, wealth or lack of it, brawn or its relative degrees, determine who shall rule the domain and who shall serve. Entitlement and privileges are bestowed on innate strength and power and not earned. The concepts of war, struggle for survival and power dominate the behavioral psychology. Equality is not possible in such a scenario! Because it would mean having to give up the natural advantage and superior position; an unattractive proposition for those, endowed with natural privileges. It is beside the point that in the modern society, superiority is ascribed based on perception and not on reality.

A Different Mindset

On the other hand, if we believe that Nature is a manifestation of Divine or Cosmic Energy that operates cyclically without the concepts of good or bad, holy or unholy, and free from the concept of linear time, then the core belief is that of abundance. It springs from the central idea that Life and resources go through cycles of living and dying but regenerate as an automatic process. Life mutates and regenerates, creating unlimited species and varieties to ensure its own survival. With this mindset, we perceive Diversity as a natural order; each species or race naturally endowed to procreate and nurture its own kind. Humans, despite their race, gender or class, are essentially created equal in their common need to survive and thrive by using their innate differences to compensate and complement each other to ensure survival.

Under this mindset, survival and thriving depend on cooperation and collaboration; the Yin and Yang forming one whole. Since abundance is presumed innate in nature, the fear of want and scarcity does not dominate the behavioral psychology. And because the time is presumed in cycles, despite ups and downs, the fundamental belief is that sooner or later everyone gets their fair share. This leads to a behavior marked by trust, patience and acceptance of innate differences. This results in grace and gratitude and optimism and collaboration and not competition, because competition is a result of perceived scarcity and limited availability of resources.

Under the latter scenario, Equality is possible in spite of the differences, because they are perceived as complementary. And the world view is not either/or. Male gender is not seen in terms of “versus” Female but in terms of “And”. They are different, yet each having a distinct capability to complement each-others’ shortcomings to perpetuate humankind.

A saying that, “Man does not live by bread alone” can illustrate the point. In the hunter gatherer era, getting ‘bread’ required brawn, but to outwit the strength and raw power of animals, Man also needed to have brains, hence the hunting tribes; Alphas supplied the brawn, and others; the strategizing or tactical brain. This behavior is also seen in animals, for example, among wolves, the Alpha male would aim for the target but the other wolves in the tribe collaborate by forming the siege to succeed in obtaining the targeted food. It takes collaboration of different strengths and capabilities to succeed.

However, we have moved on; evolving from the low life animal form into fully formed humans who can solve the mysteries of the outer space as well as. of our inner life. Over the millennia, we have acquired capacity to ensure our survival and growth and learned how to control factors that inhibit our specie’s growth. We, no longer need to have the hunter gatherers’ mindset in the era of the takeout foods and we no longer can protect ourselves from brawn alone now that just about every major country has the potent power of Nuclear arsenal to annihilate the opponent.

We need to understand diversity because, it isn’t going away. It is in the order of Nature. And despite the holocaust, ethnic cleansing, wars and natural disasters, human will to survive is the strongest, unless some despotic ego or brainwashing of isms and schisms lead us astray into a nuclear war.

Peaceful Coexistence?

What began as trading routes and silk roads in the earlier centuries have now blossomed into full-fledged global trade and interdependence. In spite of the fear induced sense of protectionism and nationalism, our economies will live or die based on the demands for our goods and services in the global markets. Mass production and improvements in productivity and technologies have created this imperative that we make an effort to be inclusive if we want to influence the markets and the world politics. We need to review the world, and our present times, so as not to be clinging to what worked in the past when the world was an uncomplicated well delineated place. Nor do we need to live in near future when Singularity is expected to become a reality but on here and now.

What is the reality right now? What is practical and actionable way that will sustain us in the long run? As we transition, let us redefine our visions away from being the best of the animal kingdom to the best of humankind. What differentiates us from the animals is our volition and ability to make rational choices and decisions based on collective wisdom.

Let there be a paradigm shift in philosophy from the ‘survival of the fittest’ to the ‘survival through collective wisdom’.

Equality may or may not be possible but friction free co-existence should be possible, provided we choose to value our differences and develop a healthy respect for them and figure out how to leverage our innate abilities and wisdom for a better outcome.

Choice is ours. We can progress on the path of civility, mutual respect and peaceful coexistence if we overcome artificial barriers based on irrational fears.



What we need now is truly rethinking about a unifying culture to truly fit our motto as stated in our constitution.


Love and respect: the common factors for all of us to thrive as a nation and as an economy.


Trust, but not blind faith. Trust but verify. Is the relationship mutually beneficial?


Open dialogs to draw out the fears and objections to see if any meetings of the minds is possible win-win outcome for all of us.


Listen, really listen respectfully with open mind and ears for intent, so we can find solutions for mutual benefit.


Stop labeling people who are different from us as good versus bad and stop comparing, which leads to unhealthy competition and an unhealthy mindset.